Monday, March 9, 2009


Today I’m trying out my brand new laptop computer. I got this as a birthday present yesterday and it’s really cool. It’s made by Dell and it has all kinds of doohickeys and neat thingies. Pardon my highly technical jargon there. It’s also shiny black like Paladin’s gunfighter outfit. Of course I can use it to write these highly insightful and amusing articles and stories. It also can be used without plugging into a wall socket, which is truly amazing. And my son-in-law tells me that if I’m in range of a WiFi network that isn’t protected by some security deal then I can get on the internet. As soon as I figure out what that means I’ll try it out. The word typing part is very similar to what I use on the big computer plugged into the wall and phone line so I’m not having any trouble with it, so far. I’ve been told that since I’m not hooked up to an internet system or printer then I have to put my article on a memory stick or disc and then carry that to my other computer and find a matching hole to put the accessory into. Then I can post my entry on Myspace or print it out for my binder where I keep these things in case of a worldwide computer meltdown.
I doubt if I could cause a worldwide meltdown with my new computer but you never know. If I ever become truly adept at using it I might be able to hack into some of your email accounts and see what you’re really saying about me. Fortunately I’m neither paranoid or technologically motivated enough to try that. So don’t worry.
When I got this thing yesterday, a gift from my dear wife and youngest daughter and her fiancée, my computer genius son-in-law was making all kinds of suggestions and giving me tons of information that I’m sure was very useful. I actually remembered some of it for a few hours. But then I went to bed last night and, wouldn’t you know it, when I got up this morning I could barely remember how to turn the thing on. I eventually figured that part out and couple of other things. Spider Solitaire works pretty good. So does Free Cell.
The whole purpose of having this laptop is to be able to write stuff when I’m at the little house on the river up north. Up until now I would come up with a great idea and jot it down in a notebook. Then I would bring the little pile of notes home and put them on the desk where my computer sits. After a while I would take a look at the notes so that I could write my inspired article. The problem was that even if I could decipher the handwriting I couldn’t make enough sense of the note to produce an article. That’s kind of where some of those strange poems come from; unintelligible cryptic notes. Now, in between my chores up there, I’ll be able to get the idea into a readable form quickly. Then I’ll go to McDonalds in Malone, where there’s free Internet access and post the stuff on Myspace and my other blog site. Plus I’ll be able to keep up on what all my Facebook and Myspace friends are up to. I may gain about fifty pounds from all the highly nutritious Mickey D’s food I eat while working on the computer but it would be rude to use their connection and not buy something. So look for my increased out put in the months ahead, more crap for you to ignore or appreciate as you see fit.
Well now I have to try and figure out how to get this little page of writing on to something that my other computer will recognize. Wish me luck. Although if you’re reading this then the darn thing worked right. Luck would not be necessary and my valuable computer training will be evident.
I really like this machine and I think we’ll have a good relationship in the years to come, as long as it doesn’t become obsolete too quickly. So I’m going to finish this now and go have another fine day.
You do the same.

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