Thursday, July 16, 2009


Writing is much harder than people think. Ideas come with difficulty. Putting the idea into some interesting and useful type of story, poem, book or article takes a great deal of thought and work. The writer has to pay attention to the rules of grammar and syntax. If he’s writing fiction then he needs to use dialogue. A conflict of some sort must be created. “No conflict, no story” as some teacher or editor told me long ago. Refining, rewriting and refining again are all part of the arduous process.

When I started writing as a hobby I would just bang out a bunch of thoughts on the keyboard, refine them a little bit and then post them on one of my blog sites. Those were the good old days. Then I joined a writer’s help group on the internet. For $49.95 a year this site claims that it will help a person improve as a writer and maybe even help to get stuff published. Members read and critique other members’ material posted on the site. For a member to post writing he or she must read and review postings, building up points for the stuff reviewed. Then, when enough points are accumulated in a kind of virtual bank account, an article, poem or chapter of a novel can be posted for review. Points are based on word count and site participation. The writer then gets to read the reviews which usually are kind and helpful. However, that is not always the case. Some reviewers take great pride in being extremely critical and abusive. They’re known as shredders.

Since joining this site a few months ago I have posted a few short stories and several poems. Contests with cash or publishing prizes are also part of the package offered by this forum. I haven’t won any prizes and my writing hobby has kind of moved to a phase that I’m not sure I like. The criticism and helpful suggestions are fine. I don’t even mind being shredded once in a while. But the competition aspect has made me look at those pieces of writing that win prizes with an analytical eye. Then I try to write using the same elements of style and substance that the winners used. My own creative voice is somehow being lost.

When I was banging out a few blogs a week I found it easy to get a light, sometimes even humorous, tone into my writing. Now that tone is elusive. Under the influence of the reviewers on the writer’s help site I have been trying to do serious writing with “meaning”. I worry about putting conflict and proper dialogue in my little stories. My poetry needs to fit certain forms having the proper meter with deeper, more soulful imagery. At first I liked the challenge. Now it’s not so much fun.

But I’m going to stick with it for a while. After all I did pay $49.95 for the thing. I’m going to stick with it because I have gotten some good advice. There has been a slight improvement in the quality of my writing, bringing it from an eighth grade level up to maybe tenth grade. But I’d like to win one of those little contests so that I can cover the cost of my membership fee. Then I’ll quit.

Have a fine day


Peter Bourey said...

It must be different when it becomes more of a job than a pleasure. I hope that you don't lose that biting wit and sarcasm that really does represent you so well. When it comes to writing, you are my hero!

Mom2two said...

I see how you are...keeping me in the dark about joining the writers forum after I mentioned it to you awhile back. :) At least you are getting some feedback and learning. That's all I can think of to write. The End. :) he he