Friday, June 24, 2016

Mass Obsessive Compulsive Zealotry: A Disorder for Our Times

 We are divided. Every event and every issue breeds predictable reaction. No compromise, no conversation, no mediation can bring the sides together. In fact no one is trying to bring people together. We all emphasize the differences and refuse to move from our positions. We all think we are absolutely, without a doubt, right. It’s insane.

Throughout history there have been instances of widespread insanity. They were labeled “Mass Hysteria”. I think we’re seeing an aberrant form of that aberration. I call it “Mass Obsessive Compulsive Zealotry” and it’s seen all over the world, especially the English speaking world.

Not only do folks refuse to consider compromise they take great pleasure in vilifying those who might disagree. I’ve heard good, kind people (usually) call their fellow citizens fools. idiots, a-holes, sinners, crazy and worse. And it’s not just Democrats talking about their Republican neighbors. Nope I’ve heard exactly the same epithets from the other side.

We’re a passionate people. We get worked up about issues large and small. Often we get the most worked up over the smallest issues which distracts us from the really important ones. But it doesn’t matter how big the issue. We’re divided. And there is no leader that seems to know how to bring people together in a quiet, reasoned way to find some sort of common ground. Discord happens over and over and we treat every issue the same way. Doesn’t the cliché go something like – insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over and expecting to get different results?

And I haven’t got a clue about how to fix anything. I look at the gun control issue and I see Mass Obsessive Compulsive Zealotry on both sides. No one wants to take a small step. All or nothing seems to be the mantra. There are numerous laws on the books restricting all kinds of weaponry. When was the last time you saw rigid enforcement of those laws? If we’re not enforcing laws we already have who could expect new laws to be effective? But it doesn’t matter about that. New laws aren’t going to be put up for a vote because there is no one leader who can effectively argue for common sense compromise. The leadership all is suffering from the same mental disorder.

How about issues of constitutional importance? There is a basic disagreement over whether the Constitution is a fixed document or a flexible document. Well the answer is actually quite simple. The Constitution has an established procedure for making changes. It’s called the Amendment Process. But no one has the patience to follow that. One side is rigidly denying any change. The other side is looking for ways to make changes without following the process. It happens over and over again. There is no one leader who will state that the obvious solution is right in front of us. “MOCZ” strikes again.

Every issue – immigration, equal rights, government spending, taxation, tattoos, marriage, and divorce – has polar opposite sides. No one gets near the middle. We scream, swear and demonstrate. We refuse to consider any possibility of finding a little common ground. We blame each other for intransigence. No leader ever emerges with a plan for compromise. But it doesn’t matter because that leader would be up against “MOCZ” and he or she would be shouted down before anyone could hear the plan. Sad, really sad.

Well, I’ve had my say. I’m interested in reading your comments. And I’ll do my damnedest to try and understand your position. Really I will. I’ve been in therapy and I think I’ve got the “MOCZ” under control these days. Not sure about my other phobias and disorders but that one seems to be in remission.

Now have a fine day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am in total agreement, sir. I like your MOCZ acronym. I struggle daily with trying to live by the "Be the change you wish to see in the world" philosophy.It's hard! The hardest things are the things that we naturally do not want to do. Being fair, forgiving, and even listening to others who may hold different views; personal accountability; self-control. These are the difficult things. I think you've hit the nail on the head. We have no leaders who will lead us to rise above the MOCZ. I personally am repulsed by anything that draws lines and sets up conflict. If we can't stay calm without attacking everyone, how do we think we can ever have peace in our hearts? Maybe that's the problem...some people would rather have power over others or money in their pockets. Not me, I'm just looking for a shady patch of peace to call my own.

Thank you, Jim, for your musings. I appreciate them. -Kari