Friday, January 7, 2011

Social Networking and You

“Social networking” is a relatively new phrase and phenomenon. Interaction among people in groups and societies is nothing new of course, but new technologies have made that interaction evolve into something our ancestors wouldn’t recognize. Hell, I don’t even recognize most of it.

I think it was all invented by a couple of college students who were the results of cloning experiments using genetic material from the Adam of personal computing – Bill Gates. These kids, many years ago, discovered that they could make their computers talk to each other. Then they had the brilliant realization that they could use the computers to talk for them as if they were at a party or just goofing in study hall. Then one of them invented the cell phone, which originally was just a phone made out of cells, and then some Japanese guys married the cell phone to a computer, which was the beginning of phone sex. A short time later (all this stuff happened very quickly) Bill Gates called a meeting and told all the inventors and developers and experts that, damn it he was no longer Adam he was now God and he was in charge and he owned all of this crap. And it came to pass that Facebook appeared, supposedly invented by some other incredibly rich clones, but everybody knows it all belongs to Microsoft. Except for the stupid Mac stuff which belongs to Bill Gates’ brother-in-law, Steve Jobs. And isn’t Jobs a weird last name? Makes you think of the Bible and that guy who was swallowed by a whale. Or was that one of the Jonas brothers? I forget. Anyway…

Now that you know the short and complex history of social networking you have, I’m sure, a far greater appreciation of its importance in the course of human events. “In the course of human events” is also a historic phrase, I think, from the drivers’ education manual or some place like that. And since you have this greater appreciation and understanding I expect you to be a lot more serious about how you use the stuff. You shouldn’t waste all your social networking time doing silly apps like “FarmCity”, “Mafia Turf Wars”, “Mother-In-Law Ultimate Fighting” or “Global Terror Featuring Paula Abdul”. Also, unintelligible texting should be limited to situations that are safe and unlikely to disturb other less technologically adept folks. Movie theaters, church services and automobile driving are all places where unintelligible texting is socially acceptable. You shouldn’t text when you’re at a slot machine and you’ve just won a couple thousand pennies which, to your feeble mind, seems like a really big deal. It isn’t a big deal! It’s just twenty bucks or so you dummy. Okay. Sorry, I got a little sidetracked there.

Personally, I don’t text. And I only use social networking to maintain a close and loving relationship with my family, friends and a few bands. My “friend list” is a relatively modest 23,494. Of course some of those people are my wife’s friends because she refuses to do any social networking. Weird isn’t she?

So let me restate my point, in case you didn’t get it. “Social Networking” is a serious responsibility. Always use it wisely. Always use protection.

Thank you and have a fine day.


Marlee said...

Funny stuff! Enjoyed your post. :-) Social networking is quite an interesting phenomenon.

esss said...

Agree with you Marlee!!!Well enjoyed the blog..
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