Sunday, January 2, 2011


I’ve made a resolution for this New Year. Usually I don’t make resolutions. My will power and moral fiber are much too weak for those kinds of self-improvement efforts, so I generally resist the peer (wife, doctor, well meaning friends and relatives) pressure that shows up at this time of year. But this year I’ve resolved to re-start blog writing. My writing efforts in the past went more and more into my poetry. I even had a few things published. You all did notice, didn’t you? It was announced on Facebook, for goodness sake, and we all know what a bastion of high cultural standards that is.

The poetry, while satisfying, pays like crap. And I’ve heard that it’s possible to get paid for advertising junk on a blog site if it gets enough readers. So now I’ll be writing stuff here and promoting it blatantly (which sharp readers will know refers to the original name of this page) so that I can sell space to advertisers. If you happen to see ads on the page for dating sites, male enhancement products or plastic surgeons that specialize in tattoo removal then I’d appreciate it if you patronize those businesses. And don’t forget to let them know you learned about them here.

A lot of bloggers are writing articles that review the events of last year or are making up lists of their top twenty songs or other easy stuff to fill up their first postings of 2011. I could do that. But 2010 was just too boring. The events list would look just like most other years:

1. War in the Middle East.
2. Terrorism everywhere
3. Britany Spears
4. Political crap
5. Brad Pitt

Blah, blah, blah.

Since my taste in music would only interest the ten other people in the world who like Bluegrass from northern New York State a list of my favorite songs wouldn’t be a big attention getter.

So my first posting this year will be more cutting edge. It will be devoid of cuteness. Even though it will be poetic in language and mood it will definitely be prose. As I wrote these words I just realized that this is the first posting of the year. So it will be the second posting that has all those other fine qualities. Watch for it. I’m pretty sure I have the will power to write something and stick it up on this site. After all, I got this one finished.

Have a fine day.


Peter Bourey said...

Good to see you retired guys actually using your time on more than just your lazyboy. Seriously though...good to see you writing again.....

Marlee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marlee said...

Let me try that again...

I meant to say, I second the part of that comment that was actually a compliment and not an insult.

Looking forward to perusing your thoughts!

Hammster said...

The plastic surgeon did a great job. Thanks for the tip and advertisement. I hope he gives you a big cut

Of the profits that is.
That should be some fine money.

esss said...

Amazing work...

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