Monday, January 17, 2011


Today my dear and long suffering wife needed to go through one of those unpleasant medical experiences that mark the onset of late middle-age. And since she was advised not to drive after the procedure I went along so she wouldn’t have to walk the two or three miles home.

I suppose I could embellish this little article by describing the preparations she endured for the procedure but that would only embarrass her and make you, dear readers, sick to your stomach. Let’s just say it involved copious amounts of laxatives dissolved in vast quantities of Gatorade. It wasn’t pretty. But while she was undergoing intense medical scrutiny this morning I was suffering my own damn self.

The waiting room for designated drivers at the medical facility has a large TV. And this large TV was tuned to one of those early morning quasi-news shows full of talking heads obviously hired for the quality of their dental work and All-American appearances. The ability to read was probably another job requirement although it was clearly at the fifth grade level, or lower.

These vapid smiling hosts and hostettes read some “news” stories with breathless wonderment and glittering smiles whether the story was tragic or comic. They also would occasionally step outside the studio to an area where a small crowd of men, women and children would cheer wildly and hold up cryptic signs. The “interviews” with members of this mindless throng of shivering citizens consisted of three questions: What’s your name? Where are you from? Is it cold enough here for you? Each one of the answers was cheered with wild abandon by the nitwits sharing the sidewalk.

But let’s get back to the “news” stories. There was a story about the medical condition of the recently shot congress-person. This was followed by an interview with one of the late Ronald Reagan’s sons. As I recall it was the son who hadn’t danced in tights and who claims that Mr. Reagan did not have Alzheimer’s during his first term. Apparently the other son, the dancer, claims otherwise and I believe there’s going to be a new reality show coming soon that follows this family feud. I think the title is “Dead Presidents’ Squabbling Middle-Aged Brats” or something similar.

After some local commercials the show resumed with more “new” features. The first item was about who wore what at the latest awards show, where actors with huge egos congratulate themselves on their latest piece of insipid filmmaking and pose on a red carpet showing off outfits that cost enough to feed ten thousand third world children for a month. The morning show hosts were joined by a couple of fashion experts who made catty remarks that thinly veiled their anger at not receiving invitations to the big shindig. One of these experts said that this was only the first show of the awards season, which apparently runs from January to September, and those stars that wore atrociously ugly clothes would have many opportunities for redemption if they could stay out of re-hab long enough.

There were other stories, of course, along with weather reports and really annoying advertisements. But the topper, the big story of the morning, and I’m not making this up, was about a woman who had been attacked by a flying barracuda while kayaking in Florida. Apparently this lady and her gentleman friend were paddling around some swampy areas near an island close to the coast, minding their own business, when a huge barracuda, that nasty shark-like fish with razor sharp teeth and a bad disposition, leapt out of the water and bit her on the side. The bite was terrible. It punctured her body, opening a big hole, breaking ribs and allowing her lung to push out where lungs should not be. Now this is a terrible thing. And the smiling TV personalities interviewing this woman, her boyfriend and the guy who came to their rescue were beside themselves with deeply felt concern, expressed as sincerely as any learning disabled animatron figure can express any emotion. “How did you feel when you realized you had a gaping hole in your side?” he asked the woman. “How did it affect you when you saw the lung poking out of your girlfriend’s side and you knew help was at least a half hour away?” he asked the boyfriend. And on and on the interview went for ten agonizing minutes. Admirably the people being interviewed controlled themselves and kept their answers civil. I would have said “You mindless moron! How did you think I felt? I was bleeding like a pig, my internal organs were on display and we were twenty miles from nowhere? I was scared shitless you idiot!”

When I was imagining that last part of my answer my dear wife appeared. Come to think of it she could have been described with one of those words in that last sentence. Well, we returned to our TV free home to eat and rest. By the way she got a clean bill of health from the colonoscopy.

Have a fine day.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Blog must be one of the ugliest words that has ever been birthed by the world of technology. I suppose essay would be too narrow a word for what folks do in a blog. Commentary is a little unwieldy and also not truly accurate. Blogs contain more than opinion and more than description. Miscellanea or miscellanies might work but no one would be able to spell those. So I guess a new word had to be invented. I would have suggested “crappile” or “brainleaks”. Something catchy and descriptive.

I read a few blogs. My daughter Monica writes one that addresses the concerns of parents of gifted children. My cousin’s daughter Marlee writes a very clever blog that is themed for each day of the week. Her dad, my cousin Peter, writes one that deals with big issues like spirituality, politics and the driving habits of Asian women. I also read a few blogs from folks who belong to my online writing group. Most of those are concerned, naturally, with writing and promoting their own work. Some are also more varied than that and are full of odd and arcane thoughts along with a few raving rants.

I have two blogs. One is a poetry blog that has been neglected for some time. Then there’s this thing that you’re reading now. This one hasn’t got much of a theme. Sometimes the postings are humorous. (Hopefully) At other times they are highly opinionated. Actually they’re always highly opinionated. I’ve written about important things and other things that are totally insignificant. I’ve even tried to sneak some poetry in here to raise the cultural level of one or two of my faithful readers. That hasn’t worked.

Some people make money at blogging. Professional bloggers sell subscriptions to their sites and do a lot of promotional stuff all over the internet. Most of those types are political or sports driven. Then there are non-professional sites that place advertising along side their rants and ravings. If they generate enough internet traffic for the advertiser then the company pays a small fee for the ad space. My inquiries to advertisers have been met with raucous chuckles. I guess a blog needs more than seven or eight regular readers to make a buck.

So why do this stuff? Well in some cases we just can’t help ourselves. There are those of us who are compulsive about writing and just vain enough to think that other people need to see what “brainleaks” we’ve had on any given day. Other bloggers are motivated by a cause, like my daughter and her parental concerns or my cousin and his driving need to convert the world to right-wing radicalism. Still others use a blog as a method of sharing useful information. Some are combinations of all those motivations.

My problem is subject matter. Sometimes I want to write a blog but I’m unable to come up with a suitable subject. Bragging about stuff is a big turn off. Racy and suggestive articles tend to lose straight-laced readers. Sports is a boring subject for most rational humans. Too much “Culture” is equally uninteresting. So you see my dilemma. However, today, I’ve solved the problem and filled up the page with this not so clever “crappile”. Have a fine day.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Social Networking and You

“Social networking” is a relatively new phrase and phenomenon. Interaction among people in groups and societies is nothing new of course, but new technologies have made that interaction evolve into something our ancestors wouldn’t recognize. Hell, I don’t even recognize most of it.

I think it was all invented by a couple of college students who were the results of cloning experiments using genetic material from the Adam of personal computing – Bill Gates. These kids, many years ago, discovered that they could make their computers talk to each other. Then they had the brilliant realization that they could use the computers to talk for them as if they were at a party or just goofing in study hall. Then one of them invented the cell phone, which originally was just a phone made out of cells, and then some Japanese guys married the cell phone to a computer, which was the beginning of phone sex. A short time later (all this stuff happened very quickly) Bill Gates called a meeting and told all the inventors and developers and experts that, damn it he was no longer Adam he was now God and he was in charge and he owned all of this crap. And it came to pass that Facebook appeared, supposedly invented by some other incredibly rich clones, but everybody knows it all belongs to Microsoft. Except for the stupid Mac stuff which belongs to Bill Gates’ brother-in-law, Steve Jobs. And isn’t Jobs a weird last name? Makes you think of the Bible and that guy who was swallowed by a whale. Or was that one of the Jonas brothers? I forget. Anyway…

Now that you know the short and complex history of social networking you have, I’m sure, a far greater appreciation of its importance in the course of human events. “In the course of human events” is also a historic phrase, I think, from the drivers’ education manual or some place like that. And since you have this greater appreciation and understanding I expect you to be a lot more serious about how you use the stuff. You shouldn’t waste all your social networking time doing silly apps like “FarmCity”, “Mafia Turf Wars”, “Mother-In-Law Ultimate Fighting” or “Global Terror Featuring Paula Abdul”. Also, unintelligible texting should be limited to situations that are safe and unlikely to disturb other less technologically adept folks. Movie theaters, church services and automobile driving are all places where unintelligible texting is socially acceptable. You shouldn’t text when you’re at a slot machine and you’ve just won a couple thousand pennies which, to your feeble mind, seems like a really big deal. It isn’t a big deal! It’s just twenty bucks or so you dummy. Okay. Sorry, I got a little sidetracked there.

Personally, I don’t text. And I only use social networking to maintain a close and loving relationship with my family, friends and a few bands. My “friend list” is a relatively modest 23,494. Of course some of those people are my wife’s friends because she refuses to do any social networking. Weird isn’t she?

So let me restate my point, in case you didn’t get it. “Social Networking” is a serious responsibility. Always use it wisely. Always use protection.

Thank you and have a fine day.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I’ve made a resolution for this New Year. Usually I don’t make resolutions. My will power and moral fiber are much too weak for those kinds of self-improvement efforts, so I generally resist the peer (wife, doctor, well meaning friends and relatives) pressure that shows up at this time of year. But this year I’ve resolved to re-start blog writing. My writing efforts in the past went more and more into my poetry. I even had a few things published. You all did notice, didn’t you? It was announced on Facebook, for goodness sake, and we all know what a bastion of high cultural standards that is.

The poetry, while satisfying, pays like crap. And I’ve heard that it’s possible to get paid for advertising junk on a blog site if it gets enough readers. So now I’ll be writing stuff here and promoting it blatantly (which sharp readers will know refers to the original name of this page) so that I can sell space to advertisers. If you happen to see ads on the page for dating sites, male enhancement products or plastic surgeons that specialize in tattoo removal then I’d appreciate it if you patronize those businesses. And don’t forget to let them know you learned about them here.

A lot of bloggers are writing articles that review the events of last year or are making up lists of their top twenty songs or other easy stuff to fill up their first postings of 2011. I could do that. But 2010 was just too boring. The events list would look just like most other years:

1. War in the Middle East.
2. Terrorism everywhere
3. Britany Spears
4. Political crap
5. Brad Pitt

Blah, blah, blah.

Since my taste in music would only interest the ten other people in the world who like Bluegrass from northern New York State a list of my favorite songs wouldn’t be a big attention getter.

So my first posting this year will be more cutting edge. It will be devoid of cuteness. Even though it will be poetic in language and mood it will definitely be prose. As I wrote these words I just realized that this is the first posting of the year. So it will be the second posting that has all those other fine qualities. Watch for it. I’m pretty sure I have the will power to write something and stick it up on this site. After all, I got this one finished.

Have a fine day.