Monday, April 6, 2009


“If it weren’t for bad news we’d have no news at all.” I can’t remember where that quote comes from, a song maybe. Maybe the word “news” isn’t in the original quote. I know that my title for this little rant comes from the Beatles. It’s Monday and I made the mistake, again, of reading about some of the happenings of recent days in a newspaper and online. Holy cow it’s depressing!

Mass murders, a North Korean missile launch, an earthquake in Italy all added up to a particularly gloomy day. The pundits and reporters are ecstatic because they have so much bad stuff to write and talk about. All those bad things plus an American president going around the world saying all kinds of stupid crap is enough to make me retreat to my mental hermitage again.

I’m not going to rant about the mass murders. They are incredibly sad and the acts of twisted people. Liberal commentators will be on their soap boxes about gun control and the overall mental instability of a large part of the American population. They’ll probably find ways to blame Mr. Bush for the tragedies. All I can say is that if there had been one licensed gun carrying citizen in that building in Binghamton last week there might not have been so many casualties. But that’s hindsight.

The Korean missile crisis is a disaster of another sort. The disaster is not so much the firing of a missile as the response of the U.S. and its allies to the event. Mr. Obama expressed his unhappiness and vowed to rally the resources of the UN to exert powerful sanctions on North Korea. I’ll bet those guys in North Korea are just shaking in their boots. Mr. Obama, for all his intelligence and all his vast experience, doesn’t seem to get a basic truth that even I, a retired working stiff, understand: Kim Il Jung and his North Korean gang don’t care about the UN. They would care if the U.S. stepped up and said, the next time we see you preparing a launch we will take it out, and then backed that up. A coalition could be assembled. There is some precedent for that. Not only would North Korea take notice but Iran would take notice. But Mr. Obama is taking the road of appeasement, which is a rocky road full of huge potholes.

Mr. Obama has also been touring around Europe and is now in Turkey. He’s been on a mission to strengthen U.S. relationships with a bunch of countries over there. His methodology seems to rely heavily on apologizing for American meddling and arrogance. He apparently sees no reason to remind all these countries about America’s role in defeating fascism and Nazism and rebuilding the continent. He sees no reason to deal from a position of strength and positive action. No, he’d rather apologize like the simpering liberal that he is, believing that some way, some how we can all just get along. Now he’s in Turkey telling the Islamic people that we are not at war with Islam. In the speeches I read it doesn’t seem like he even added the qualifier about being at war with radical Islamists who have attacked out country and our citizens and possessions around the world. I’m sorry if I sound like a deranged warmonger but didn’t those events actually take place in our very recent memory? Isn’t there a very large faction of Islamic radicalism pledged to destroy our country and our people? They don’t just ask us to leave them alone and go away. They are convinced that we should join their ranks or die. It would seem that our president, as a good God fearing Baptist, would be somewhat troubled by that attitude. But again, he’s probably going to try and work things out with all those folks by having meetings and summit talks. He’ll get some really good treaties signed and everything will calm down and peace will reign. And we all know the history of those past Middle East treaties.

Finally, I had a discussion this past weekend with someone about the removal of the GM CEO. That person said the news I had read about the influence of the White House in those corporate actions was incorrect and that Mr. Obama and his crowd had nothing to do with all that stuff. Since I didn’t have all my facts at hand I backed off and conceded that it was possible that I had pulled a Liberal’s stunt and jumped to conclusions. But today I did a little research and, by gosh, the consensus of reporting by both mainstream media and its adversaries in the right-wing outlets seems to indicate that White House policy makers definitely did have a great deal to do with the boardroom machinations at GM. Not only that but specific instructions regarding corporate policy and direction have emanated from the government to that company. So I was, after all, correct in my original reading of that news. But I don’t really care about being right. As a matter of fact I would have been pleased if there was no sign of Mr. Obama’s meddling in the business affairs of a stockholder owned corporation. Unfortunately there is a whole lot of meddling going on. As I may have written recently, that is another rocky road full of potholes that we are being driven down by Mr. Obama and his administration.

Well I’ve ranted enough. Mr. Obama and his crew have proven in three short months that they are truly doing all they can, as quickly as they can, to spend more, interfere more and appease more than any other administration in history. The road map to a socialist America is being drawn even more quickly than we could have anticipated.

Be vigilant and be vocal because it will be ever more important.

Have a fine day.

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