Saturday, January 31, 2009


Every morning we face a moment that will set how we feel about the day ahead. Essentially we decide whether we will have a good, optimistic, positive outlook or a negative and pessimistic attitude. If your first act is to turn on CNN or some other news channel or read the front page of the morning paper there’s a good chance your day may suck. If you have an argument with your child or spouse then that also will give you some negativism to overcome as you start your day. It’s not easy to maintain optimism in the face of public and private difficulties.

But friends, I have the solution to your challenge. The solution is not in a bottle, although sometimes that offers temporary relief. And the solution is not in yoga, feng shui, or multiple rounds of calisthenics. The solution may be in religious activity or prayer for those who are so inclined. But we all know that there are many, many heathens out there and they need help just as much as the true believers. So my solution will help non-believer and true believer equally, which is only right in this time of acceptance and diversity. My solution to the lack of optimism in your life will stun you with its simplicity.

On these days when even the President of the United States can’t seem to say anything positive the challenge would seem insurmountable. Day after day we hear how bad things are and how the economy is the worst it’s been in almost eighty years. We hear it from Senators and Congressmen. We hear it from Governors and people in local politics. The mass media is full of the talking points that are being spouted hour by hour. And yet my solution will allow you full access to whatever news sources you choose because this is America and you’re entitled to your own choice of doomsayers.

My solution to the challenge of staying optimistic in spite of all these high level people telling you that there is absolutely no reason for even one scintilla of positive thinking will amaze and astound you. Before I outline the steps to living the optimistic life you need to know the prerequisites that you must accomplish. The initial requirements are just as simple and easy as my solution so don’t get all worked up and nervous. An open mind is the first requirement to understanding and implementing my solution. The second requirement is that you need absolute confidence in yourself as a clear thinking and intelligent human being. And finally, you need to be prepared to accept the consequences of living the optimistic life.

The consequences of living the optimistic life are not all as good as you may think. Optimistic people tend to be viewed as a little bit loony. They may be socially shunned for not taking part in depressing discussions about the horrible state of the world. They may be ostracized for their lack of a hangdog expression. People may mistake a smiling optimist for a follower of the Rev. Sun Yung Moon. But the freedoms gained by being an optimist are numerous. You’ll never have to listen to U2 again. You won’t need to read books by Al Franken. You will have no further need for t-shirts carrying messages endorsed by the DNC or NOW. The list can go on and on.

By now you are ready and anxious to learn the solution that I have taken years to develop. Or you may be content in your depression and angst, and wish to stop reading now. Perhaps you feel it’s easier to just go along with the large number of folks who have no hope, who start every day knowing things will only get worse. If so stop now and turn on MSNBC or CNN. Revel in the misery they so joyously promote. But if you’re ready for a better life, for a life of positive thinking and faith in yourself and your fellow citizens then mosey on down to the next paragraph because the solution is waiting for you there.

Ok you’re here. The solution and key to leading the optimistic life (when I patent this idea I will put that phrase in capital letters) is to…are you ready?...never, ever believe anything any politician ever says without checking the facts of the matter on your own. Once you start doing some fact checking you will learn that lies are the stock in trade of ninety percent or more of all politicians. Pick any pronouncement or speech. Let’s say the new Vice President makes a speech to a bunch of union leaders that the economy hasn’t been this bad in thirty years. Okay, get on the internet and look up some economic statistics. It’s really easy and not at all confusing. Google is amazing in that way. You’ll find that the economy was worse in 1982 and no one was panicking. Or perhaps the President will say this economy is worse than the Great Depression. Once again, the facts are readily available on the internet. For example the unemployment rate was fifteen percent in the mid 1930’s. Unemployment today is about seven or eight percent. Do you see what I mean? Knowing the facts and knowing the truth can allow you to be an optimist. A few minutes a day will make your entire world view better.

Start on Monday morning. When the smiling faces on CNN report that four thousand jobs are being cut by a large American corporation check the facts. You may just find that those jobs are going to be cut over an eighteen month period and that they are being cut by attrition and that the company employs 56,000 people in four different countries.
Wouldn’t knowing the facts make that dismal report about job cuts seem somewhat less depressing? You won’t get the facts from CNN or MSNBC. As a matter of fact immediately after the jobs story you’ll probably see some politician in an interview bewailing the horrible employment statistics, which he or she won’t back up with any real statistics. Believe me you’ll feel better knowing that you have some idea about the truth while that politician is just spouting a mouthful of lies. You’ll go out into the world with a smile on your face and a spring in your step, a real American optimist that the country needs so much.

Have a fine day.

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